Dear Senator McCaskill
I am writing to you to inform just how completely dismayed I am at your intrusions on my and many of my friends lives that you nor anybody else has the right to do so.
How about I come with you to the grocery store and tell you what you can and cannot buy, how about I come to your office and tell you what calls to answer and what pens to use and what papers to read, how about I come to your house and tell you which light switch you can use or which bathroom to use.
I know all this sounds petty and almost infintile, however this is what you and others are doing, not only to the American people but the American way of life, how dare you?!
You and others are taking my freedom to choose, my freedom of choice, what right do you have to do any of this? What right do you have to choose my doctor, my course of treatment, what right do you have to decide if I live or die? only God has that choice!!! the Government Run Health care is a disaster, look beyond your mere office, look around the world, IT HAS NOT WORKED!! EVER!!
What right do you have to decide what vehicle I drive? what right do you have to decide when I run my Heating or Air Conditioning? dont get me wrong I wish to be a good steward of this earth, under God.
"Global Warming" is nothing more than fear tactics, the only thing warming (other than people's temper) is the hotter air coming from the alarmists that should be tried and jailed for fraud.
You were elected by the grace of God to serve the people, to represent the people, however you now appear to be scared of the people, you cannot seem to be able to attend townhall meetings, or did you know that the one in St Louis was going to be tough? when will you been seen in Springfield? Somehow I doubt you will be seen in Springfield and I am resolutely positive that I am not alone in feeling wholly and thoroughly disappointed in your actions and representations of Missouri.
It is a honor to be chosen or elected by your peers to represent them as thier voice, and that honor you seem now to almost disregard.
I am also going to publish this letter on my blog at
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Open Letter to John Conyers
Dear Mr Conyers (or staffer)
I sit here and shake my head at your total and complete absence of principles, duty, loyalty or patriotism!
I realize that this note will probably never get put in front of your eyes and you actually get to read it let alone physically reading it, perish the thought, so I will take the 'liberty" (look it up) to post this letter openly on my blog at
It is at such a juncture that one has to ask what on earth you are doing in DC? your comments basically tell your constituents and now the nation just how little they mean to you even though they have paid for your oh so hard a life during your time in Congress.
The State of Michigan has suffered immeasurably in this detestable economy, and you supposedly represent the State and yet you do so in this grotesque manner.
The comments you made are beyond abhorrent and you should be apologizing publicly
Many Thanks
I sit here and shake my head at your total and complete absence of principles, duty, loyalty or patriotism!
I realize that this note will probably never get put in front of your eyes and you actually get to read it let alone physically reading it, perish the thought, so I will take the 'liberty" (look it up) to post this letter openly on my blog at
It is at such a juncture that one has to ask what on earth you are doing in DC? your comments basically tell your constituents and now the nation just how little they mean to you even though they have paid for your oh so hard a life during your time in Congress.
The State of Michigan has suffered immeasurably in this detestable economy, and you supposedly represent the State and yet you do so in this grotesque manner.
The comments you made are beyond abhorrent and you should be apologizing publicly
Many Thanks
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Terrorism - what is the definition of terrorism and do you understand terrorism?
First of all most of you reading you do not understand, unless you have been face to face with terrorism or have carried out years of research you simply do not understand terrorism. Secondly the definition of terrorism can be many differing interpretations, the term "terrorism" comes from Latin terrere, "to frighten." and means for the most part premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, however please note the word ‘violence’ meaning "The act or an instance of violent action or behavior."
OK, no I am not about to start teaching you a bunch of word definitions, but I am going to open (at least hope to) your mind. Recently the American masses elected a president that is about as much use to the American people as breasts on a fish, I have made no secret of my dislike of the individual that currently holds that office, however, I did not like the previous one either, so before all the liberals start with their pathetic and infantile finger pointing they should sit down and shut up and read, they might actually learn something.
Back to terrorism, this can be in many forms, physical terrorism, like blowing things up and killing, cyber terrorism, like organised attacks on computer systems, and financial terrorism, likes of which you will not hear much of. I would also like to mention here, that all that I am about to say can AND SHOULD be researched.
The purpose of nearly all terrorism is to create fear to gain power, the question is power for who? Many people have said that the tragedy of 09-11-2001 was an inside job, I am not advocating that however, but, there is a lot of evidence to support such a theory. There is much evidence as to why UBL is still uncaptured, one reason is, although he may not be controlled, he can be incited to perform an act to create fear and gain power for those that “come and save”.
My views on the mainstream media are well documented and those sheeple that get their news only from the mainstream media don’t have the faintest idea what I am eluding to, although I would strongly recommend searching and researching the facts for yourselves, that is if you can tear yourself away from American Idol or Michael Jackson for long enough to do that research, I mean I would feel so bad if you lost this fine country because you had to see the end of American Idol!! TRANSLATED – get off your behind and find out what is really happening, DON’T take the mainstream media at face value, you WILL regret it, no I am not threatening any of you so you liberals sit your tails back down!
OK as I have consumed 480 words of your life by now so we’ll get to the bottom line, IF you truly value Freedom and Liberty and not just taken in by the pearly whites in the White House, then stand up and look for yourselves at what is really going on, not just what is going on at the surface, we can all point fingers and we can all blame (yes commenter called director I am thinking about your comment) but I implore you to look and search for the truth yourselves, don’t be influenced, manipulated and ultimately controlled by the system.
America was founded on a Constitution of power to the people and of freedom, please don’t let yourselves go down as controlled drones.
Thank you again for reading
OK, no I am not about to start teaching you a bunch of word definitions, but I am going to open (at least hope to) your mind. Recently the American masses elected a president that is about as much use to the American people as breasts on a fish, I have made no secret of my dislike of the individual that currently holds that office, however, I did not like the previous one either, so before all the liberals start with their pathetic and infantile finger pointing they should sit down and shut up and read, they might actually learn something.
Back to terrorism, this can be in many forms, physical terrorism, like blowing things up and killing, cyber terrorism, like organised attacks on computer systems, and financial terrorism, likes of which you will not hear much of. I would also like to mention here, that all that I am about to say can AND SHOULD be researched.
The purpose of nearly all terrorism is to create fear to gain power, the question is power for who? Many people have said that the tragedy of 09-11-2001 was an inside job, I am not advocating that however, but, there is a lot of evidence to support such a theory. There is much evidence as to why UBL is still uncaptured, one reason is, although he may not be controlled, he can be incited to perform an act to create fear and gain power for those that “come and save”.
My views on the mainstream media are well documented and those sheeple that get their news only from the mainstream media don’t have the faintest idea what I am eluding to, although I would strongly recommend searching and researching the facts for yourselves, that is if you can tear yourself away from American Idol or Michael Jackson for long enough to do that research, I mean I would feel so bad if you lost this fine country because you had to see the end of American Idol!! TRANSLATED – get off your behind and find out what is really happening, DON’T take the mainstream media at face value, you WILL regret it, no I am not threatening any of you so you liberals sit your tails back down!
OK as I have consumed 480 words of your life by now so we’ll get to the bottom line, IF you truly value Freedom and Liberty and not just taken in by the pearly whites in the White House, then stand up and look for yourselves at what is really going on, not just what is going on at the surface, we can all point fingers and we can all blame (yes commenter called director I am thinking about your comment) but I implore you to look and search for the truth yourselves, don’t be influenced, manipulated and ultimately controlled by the system.
America was founded on a Constitution of power to the people and of freedom, please don’t let yourselves go down as controlled drones.
Thank you again for reading
Monday, July 6, 2009
July 6 2009
I was going to launch another attack on the media after sitting through a meal on Friday evening(July 3rd) in a location where there were a lot of TV screens (perhaps a mistake, but I like the food) for an hour and a half, unfortunately one of those screens was on the Clinton News Network, out of that 90 minutes at least 60 of which was about the accused child molester and baby hanger, was there no other news at this time? Like for instance a nation pointing missiles at us(and launched them Saturday), how about a tyrannical dictator killing his own people who are tired of his tyrannical actions or even the fact of a certain governor stepping down, but really what should we expect from the Contaminated No News channel, the one thing I did get from all that coverage "he is still dead!!!" but that is not where this entry is going ….
No initially I am going to talk gifts, when I first heard of Joe Biden as the Vice President my initial thought was that this long term incompetent, loose mouthed individual would be a total nightmare, however, he has turned out to be a great gift to conservatives everywhere because he is just foolish enough to say the actual none spun fact the most recent being “We Misread how bad the economy was”.
HOW BAD THE ECONOMY WAS??? Really that should be IS
So let us talk about the economy the current climate just goes to show that we have an inexperienced, naive narcissist (yeah go ahead call me a racist) in the White House. And NOW the economy can no longer be blamed on Bush, granted Bush was nowhere near a favorite of mine, not by a long shot, but the consistent blaming and finger pointing is worse than 5yr olds on the school playground, GROW UP and GROW A SET and get out of this mess that has been made worse by your actions, that is my message to the current One Big Asinine Mistake America’s Administration, AND it is being made worse by the following Bovine Excrement policies:-
Health Care needs to be changed, agreed, but Government run healthcare is a total disaster and cash cow that we the taxpayer are going to be on the hook for, and when I say on the hook it is beyond your comprehension just how bad that will be.
Cap N Trade would be a joke if it wasn’t so debilitating to the economy
Yes I am only picking two out of many, but these two alone have the capability of turning the United States into a third world country!!
Personally I don’t like to be socially engineered, I don’t like being told which doctor I can see or what drug I can get for whatever illness, next are they telling me what illness i can and cannot get? personally I don’t like being mandated on how I use energy, I am not wasteful with energy, I don’t use it wastefully, so that makes me an individual that conserves energy, and now in Missouri, thanks to our fabulous Governor (sarcasm alert) who wants to charge me and others for conserving energy!!!!! HELLO!!
Back to the economy, these 2 million “green jobs” that are going to be created, created at what cost, the cost of 5 million other jobs or more?? I believe we should be good stewards to our environment but let us be realistic and at this point the One Big Asinine Mistake America Administration is not being realistic and that has been shown in many actions and more importantly our elected officials are NOT ACTING IN OUR BEST INTERESTS!
Let me ask you this, is it in the best interest for us to be paying for jolly flights in Air Force One or paying for someone else's vacation? That’s great economic sense….(another sarcasm alert)
No initially I am going to talk gifts, when I first heard of Joe Biden as the Vice President my initial thought was that this long term incompetent, loose mouthed individual would be a total nightmare, however, he has turned out to be a great gift to conservatives everywhere because he is just foolish enough to say the actual none spun fact the most recent being “We Misread how bad the economy was”.
HOW BAD THE ECONOMY WAS??? Really that should be IS
So let us talk about the economy the current climate just goes to show that we have an inexperienced, naive narcissist (yeah go ahead call me a racist) in the White House. And NOW the economy can no longer be blamed on Bush, granted Bush was nowhere near a favorite of mine, not by a long shot, but the consistent blaming and finger pointing is worse than 5yr olds on the school playground, GROW UP and GROW A SET and get out of this mess that has been made worse by your actions, that is my message to the current One Big Asinine Mistake America’s Administration, AND it is being made worse by the following Bovine Excrement policies:-
Health Care needs to be changed, agreed, but Government run healthcare is a total disaster and cash cow that we the taxpayer are going to be on the hook for, and when I say on the hook it is beyond your comprehension just how bad that will be.
Cap N Trade would be a joke if it wasn’t so debilitating to the economy
Yes I am only picking two out of many, but these two alone have the capability of turning the United States into a third world country!!
Personally I don’t like to be socially engineered, I don’t like being told which doctor I can see or what drug I can get for whatever illness, next are they telling me what illness i can and cannot get? personally I don’t like being mandated on how I use energy, I am not wasteful with energy, I don’t use it wastefully, so that makes me an individual that conserves energy, and now in Missouri, thanks to our fabulous Governor (sarcasm alert) who wants to charge me and others for conserving energy!!!!! HELLO!!
Back to the economy, these 2 million “green jobs” that are going to be created, created at what cost, the cost of 5 million other jobs or more?? I believe we should be good stewards to our environment but let us be realistic and at this point the One Big Asinine Mistake America Administration is not being realistic and that has been shown in many actions and more importantly our elected officials are NOT ACTING IN OUR BEST INTERESTS!
Let me ask you this, is it in the best interest for us to be paying for jolly flights in Air Force One or paying for someone else's vacation? That’s great economic sense….(another sarcasm alert)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Three days of vomit worthy info
With all of the events around the world of the last 3 days what is our oh so wonderful media concentrating on?
So instead of covering real news the American sheeple are subjected to mindnumbing coverage of an individual that had a monkey as a best friend, an individual with numerous accusations of child molestation and the same individual that thinks its OK the have young boys in his bed!
Is this part of the brainnumbing / brainwashing we have to go through in order to dumb down the American psyche, or perhaps even create the next psycho. It is hardly any wonder that the majority cannot even vote for an American President!
Think about what you are watching, not for me(I couldn't care less) but for your own sake and sanity, many people are watching this drivel (not just news either) yet it is against their core beliefs, yet they continue to sit and watch as they continue to get blinder and dumber to the truth..... Wake up people before life has passed you by.
So instead of covering real news the American sheeple are subjected to mindnumbing coverage of an individual that had a monkey as a best friend, an individual with numerous accusations of child molestation and the same individual that thinks its OK the have young boys in his bed!
Is this part of the brainnumbing / brainwashing we have to go through in order to dumb down the American psyche, or perhaps even create the next psycho. It is hardly any wonder that the majority cannot even vote for an American President!
Think about what you are watching, not for me(I couldn't care less) but for your own sake and sanity, many people are watching this drivel (not just news either) yet it is against their core beliefs, yet they continue to sit and watch as they continue to get blinder and dumber to the truth..... Wake up people before life has passed you by.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Second Letter to Senator Boxer
This is the second letter sent to Senator Boxer, one hopes that there can be a morally correct response to this one.
Dear Senator Boxer,
Thank you for the response dated June 22, 2009, I can say in all humility I was not even expecting a response, but I feel very much short changed in your response and have to ask firstly if Senator Boxer actually typed this or was it a member of staff and even if Senator Boxer actually saw the initial email.
Secondly where was there any kind of apology for these actions? Granted there may have been discussions with Brigadier General Walsh afterwards, but that does not propitiate the contempt and distain you showed to Military personnel as a whole during that hearing. Granted we differ philosophically on most issues, but surely one thing we can agree upon is that the military put themselves on the line daily to protect this fine country that includes you and I, but yet you appear to have no gratitude or respect for such endeavors, which I personally find most abhorrent. You were “elected” to do what? Oh yes, serve, but yet your serving appears to be only of dissent and distain to those who are serving this country.
The question I now pose to you is why will you not apologize publicly to all of those military personnel and veterans that you offended during that hearing? Does pride step into this or do you feel you have not offended? Think of the additional ratings and TV time you may get……
Ethically and Morally I feel you are obliged to apologize and your none doing so merely goes to prove that morals and ethics are not high on your principles.
Once again this letter will be published on my blog at
Dear Senator Boxer,
Thank you for the response dated June 22, 2009, I can say in all humility I was not even expecting a response, but I feel very much short changed in your response and have to ask firstly if Senator Boxer actually typed this or was it a member of staff and even if Senator Boxer actually saw the initial email.
Secondly where was there any kind of apology for these actions? Granted there may have been discussions with Brigadier General Walsh afterwards, but that does not propitiate the contempt and distain you showed to Military personnel as a whole during that hearing. Granted we differ philosophically on most issues, but surely one thing we can agree upon is that the military put themselves on the line daily to protect this fine country that includes you and I, but yet you appear to have no gratitude or respect for such endeavors, which I personally find most abhorrent. You were “elected” to do what? Oh yes, serve, but yet your serving appears to be only of dissent and distain to those who are serving this country.
The question I now pose to you is why will you not apologize publicly to all of those military personnel and veterans that you offended during that hearing? Does pride step into this or do you feel you have not offended? Think of the additional ratings and TV time you may get……
Ethically and Morally I feel you are obliged to apologize and your none doing so merely goes to prove that morals and ethics are not high on your principles.
Once again this letter will be published on my blog at
I received a response!!!!!
I am shocked, stunned and not a little amazed that I actually received a response! and in the interests of fairness, yes I said fairness, as in hearing the other side even if you differ philosophically, perhaps more should be doing this but we digress, below is the letter of response from "Senator" Boxer.
Dear Mr. Martin:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent Senate hearing with Brigadier General Michael Walsh. I appreciate hearing from you on this matter.
Shortly after the hearing, I called General Walsh, and we had a friendly and productive conversation. We expressed our respect for one another and our determination to work together to protect our nation and communities from natural disasters.
Thank you again for writing to me. Please feel free to contact me in the future about this or any other issue of concern to you.
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
It still falls short of the apology or resignation that I feel should be carried out, and I will respond to this email
Dear Mr. Martin:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent Senate hearing with Brigadier General Michael Walsh. I appreciate hearing from you on this matter.
Shortly after the hearing, I called General Walsh, and we had a friendly and productive conversation. We expressed our respect for one another and our determination to work together to protect our nation and communities from natural disasters.
Thank you again for writing to me. Please feel free to contact me in the future about this or any other issue of concern to you.
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
It still falls short of the apology or resignation that I feel should be carried out, and I will respond to this email
Friday, June 19, 2009
Open Letter to Barbara Boxer
"""Senator Boxer,
Your actions and attitude towards the Brigadier General Walsh are the epitome of your obnoxious, bombastic, arrogant and maliciousness that typifies the waste of DNA that you appear to be.
Yes you are a Senator, you indeed do have that title, Brigadier General Walsh also has a title that he too has worked for and he has worked a bloody site harder than you ever have in your entire miserable life!!
The Military of this country deserve a whole lot more respect, and your DISRESPECT is abhorrent beyond words, RESIGN YOUR SEAT IMMEDIATELY OR PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE TO EVERY MILITARY PERSON YOU DISRESPECTED IN THAT PATHETIC OUTBURST
As a Senator you are there to serve!! Read the constitution!!
Other than a Senator you are nothing more than a boil on the butt of humanity that continues to grow and fester!!
With your attitude and track record it is no wonder people are leaving California in droves and the tax burden gets worse because all the illegal’s that aren’t paying their way!!!
This letter will be published on my blog.
Regards(no respect)
Paul M
(former Military)"""
Enough Said
Your actions and attitude towards the Brigadier General Walsh are the epitome of your obnoxious, bombastic, arrogant and maliciousness that typifies the waste of DNA that you appear to be.
Yes you are a Senator, you indeed do have that title, Brigadier General Walsh also has a title that he too has worked for and he has worked a bloody site harder than you ever have in your entire miserable life!!
The Military of this country deserve a whole lot more respect, and your DISRESPECT is abhorrent beyond words, RESIGN YOUR SEAT IMMEDIATELY OR PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE TO EVERY MILITARY PERSON YOU DISRESPECTED IN THAT PATHETIC OUTBURST
As a Senator you are there to serve!! Read the constitution!!
Other than a Senator you are nothing more than a boil on the butt of humanity that continues to grow and fester!!
With your attitude and track record it is no wonder people are leaving California in droves and the tax burden gets worse because all the illegal’s that aren’t paying their way!!!
This letter will be published on my blog.
Regards(no respect)
Paul M
(former Military)"""
Enough Said
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Repulsive Media pt2
In the previous blog, we talked bout the media and its blatant and abhorrent reporting and ultimately influencing the American public, please note I did not say general public!
The media is to blame for the teflon presbo, an absolute classic example of the teflon presbo is the atrocious comment about the Special Olympics on a late night TV show, if any other President had said that there would have been multiple and numerous calls for him to step down or even impeachment!!
The media's choice not to report the facts as facts should be held in absolute contempt by conservative public and ultimately boycotted, so here is a dilemma, conservatives are(according to gallup, the single largest ideological group, yet and I know the numbers are falling, why are so many "conservatives" watching bovine excrement news agencies that are reporting total misrepresentations of the facts or no facts at all?
In recent years we have seen a few people JAILED for 'insider trading' in fact we saw wall to wall coverage of one case, yet there appears to be a member of the Senate that is just as guilty but no pursuit and no coverage!!
The one thing we can be thankful for the One Big Asinine Mistake America's administration is Biden, who is stupid enough to open his mouth and occasionally and actually speak the real world truth.
The mainstream media is realistically about as much use as a fart in a space suit!
The media is to blame for the teflon presbo, an absolute classic example of the teflon presbo is the atrocious comment about the Special Olympics on a late night TV show, if any other President had said that there would have been multiple and numerous calls for him to step down or even impeachment!!
The media's choice not to report the facts as facts should be held in absolute contempt by conservative public and ultimately boycotted, so here is a dilemma, conservatives are(according to gallup, the single largest ideological group, yet and I know the numbers are falling, why are so many "conservatives" watching bovine excrement news agencies that are reporting total misrepresentations of the facts or no facts at all?
In recent years we have seen a few people JAILED for 'insider trading' in fact we saw wall to wall coverage of one case, yet there appears to be a member of the Senate that is just as guilty but no pursuit and no coverage!!
The one thing we can be thankful for the One Big Asinine Mistake America's administration is Biden, who is stupid enough to open his mouth and occasionally and actually speak the real world truth.
The mainstream media is realistically about as much use as a fart in a space suit!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Are you brainwashed, stupid or American?
Yes I am going to do something that I don’t like doing - I am going to stereotype DEAL WITH IT !
Do you sit there wide eyed like some kind of drone soaking in the diatribes of the "Mainly Stupid News Broadcasting Craziness" or perhaps the "Crap News Network" or even the "Always Broadcasting Crap" ‘NEWS’ stations? Do you even have tingles running up your leg?
If you are one of these people then I pity you and as the good book says to do, I will pray for you as could be in the two first categories.
The mainstream media is and has been absolutely, completely and totally abhorrent in its reporting and the result is the "Sheeple" that voted for the One Big Asinine Mistake America and no I will not use his name, I DO HAVE respect for the Office before any left wing extremist (oh sorry they don’t exist because we never hear about them) tries to twist it out context (like that would happen).
Now granted it is not just the “BIG TV” news outlets that are abhorrent in their reporting, the little fish are equally as bad at slanting the news.
This is not new!! The media have been doing this for so long now that it is just accepted by the sheeple (yes I said it again) let us take a look at the facts, of recent we have seen in the garbage media a doctor shot (a heinous crime I agree) and a guard shot at a museum (again a crime) but how many of you reading this know of the military recruiter shot and killed in Little Rock, Arkansas? Hmmmm, and umm how many know that he was killed by a Muslim? AND how many of you know that this Muslim was “converted” in an American prison? Yea none of you know this – WHY? Because the media are brushing this one under the carpet in order to further the left wing extremist (oops sorry forgot they don’t exist) agenda.
A prime example of the media running and hiding from things they don’t like is the recent exchange between Contessa Brewer and John Ziegler seen on one of those previously mentioned outlets.
Remember the hideous display by a so called reporter of a larger outlet at the Chicago “TEA party” in April of this year, personally I feel this so called reporter should be fired and all her work ceremoniously burned AND never employed in Journalism AGAIN!
Another example of the detestable media is in 2007 when parts of Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas suffered the worst ice storm in 70+ years where was the media AND the government handouts there? And how many of us sat on the roof saying “help us”? We just knuckled down as a community and got on with dealing with the situation, and I have to give huge credit to a Local Talk Radio Host for inciting that community spirit.
Realistically how often does the media report on those that lose their life in a tornado, (gee another example) but when there is a flood up the north east the media are all over it.
The main crux of this post is a hopefully not in vain attempt to wake the sheeple up out of their brainwashed hypnotized state of mind and hopefully when they wake up, they may want their country back…..
I am sure there is going to be some liberal numbnut (or no nut) that is going to attack me or this post - BRING IT! The facts speak for themselves
With all the new ‘digital’ technology now being used in TV, I wish there was a BS button (you know Bovine excrement) that viewers could press during heavy loads of Broadcasted Senselessness.....
this is only the start .............. there is alot more to come
Do you sit there wide eyed like some kind of drone soaking in the diatribes of the "Mainly Stupid News Broadcasting Craziness" or perhaps the "Crap News Network" or even the "Always Broadcasting Crap" ‘NEWS’ stations? Do you even have tingles running up your leg?
If you are one of these people then I pity you and as the good book says to do, I will pray for you as could be in the two first categories.
The mainstream media is and has been absolutely, completely and totally abhorrent in its reporting and the result is the "Sheeple" that voted for the One Big Asinine Mistake America and no I will not use his name, I DO HAVE respect for the Office before any left wing extremist (oh sorry they don’t exist because we never hear about them) tries to twist it out context (like that would happen).
Now granted it is not just the “BIG TV” news outlets that are abhorrent in their reporting, the little fish are equally as bad at slanting the news.
This is not new!! The media have been doing this for so long now that it is just accepted by the sheeple (yes I said it again) let us take a look at the facts, of recent we have seen in the garbage media a doctor shot (a heinous crime I agree) and a guard shot at a museum (again a crime) but how many of you reading this know of the military recruiter shot and killed in Little Rock, Arkansas? Hmmmm, and umm how many know that he was killed by a Muslim? AND how many of you know that this Muslim was “converted” in an American prison? Yea none of you know this – WHY? Because the media are brushing this one under the carpet in order to further the left wing extremist (oops sorry forgot they don’t exist) agenda.
A prime example of the media running and hiding from things they don’t like is the recent exchange between Contessa Brewer and John Ziegler seen on one of those previously mentioned outlets.
Remember the hideous display by a so called reporter of a larger outlet at the Chicago “TEA party” in April of this year, personally I feel this so called reporter should be fired and all her work ceremoniously burned AND never employed in Journalism AGAIN!
Another example of the detestable media is in 2007 when parts of Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas suffered the worst ice storm in 70+ years where was the media AND the government handouts there? And how many of us sat on the roof saying “help us”? We just knuckled down as a community and got on with dealing with the situation, and I have to give huge credit to a Local Talk Radio Host for inciting that community spirit.
Realistically how often does the media report on those that lose their life in a tornado, (gee another example) but when there is a flood up the north east the media are all over it.
The main crux of this post is a hopefully not in vain attempt to wake the sheeple up out of their brainwashed hypnotized state of mind and hopefully when they wake up, they may want their country back…..
I am sure there is going to be some liberal numbnut (or no nut) that is going to attack me or this post - BRING IT! The facts speak for themselves
With all the new ‘digital’ technology now being used in TV, I wish there was a BS button (you know Bovine excrement) that viewers could press during heavy loads of Broadcasted Senselessness.....
this is only the start .............. there is alot more to come
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Its time to vent again, Is it finally time some exposure for the lies is going to actually have a repercussion? One prays that it does, although ones cynical and hardened heart feels otherwise.
Some of you are wondering what on earth this is all referring to, well let another riddle be thrown upon you, would you be straightening the cushions in your living room while criminals are entering your house through the back door? I know some of you are now all kinds of confused, like someone else I know, however, in case you are still feeling like a proverbial mushroom then here is the explanation, a certain speaker for flat out total and completely lies to the American public should step down, incidentally, lying to the United States Congress is a criminal offense and should be punished to the fullest, especially in this instance, setting aside the emotional aspect of this, the mere fact of lying to the United States Congress as well as admitting to putting politics before security is beyond, no is far beyond the comprehension of the common sense individual that makes up the majority of the American people.
Now the emotional aspect, this person should be punished and totally humiliated for years as an example of what is wrong with Washington.
Thanks and God Bless
Some of you are wondering what on earth this is all referring to, well let another riddle be thrown upon you, would you be straightening the cushions in your living room while criminals are entering your house through the back door? I know some of you are now all kinds of confused, like someone else I know, however, in case you are still feeling like a proverbial mushroom then here is the explanation, a certain speaker for flat out total and completely lies to the American public should step down, incidentally, lying to the United States Congress is a criminal offense and should be punished to the fullest, especially in this instance, setting aside the emotional aspect of this, the mere fact of lying to the United States Congress as well as admitting to putting politics before security is beyond, no is far beyond the comprehension of the common sense individual that makes up the majority of the American people.
Now the emotional aspect, this person should be punished and totally humiliated for years as an example of what is wrong with Washington.
Thanks and God Bless
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Be warned this will be offensive and there is no apology and I guess I will have to look for the helicopter afterwards.
The definition of a patriot is one who loves their own country and is prepared to ultimately sacrifice in order to defend it. Right now this country is rotting and people are standing idly by looking at it, is that patriotism?
This country is being run by the three stooges, no the three stooges(the real three stooges) have more combined experience, however, this country is being run into the ground and people are just watching, again I ask, is this patriotic?
Washington is like a mind numbing soap opera, a bad one at that! but these clowns are messing with peoples lives, your lives, your countrymen's lives, your neighbors lives, once more is it patriotic to see them getting messed with?
Senators and Congressmen are elected by ummmm oh US! why? hmmm, to represent US, are they patriotic? a few maybe...... but (and there are many) the majority are as much use as pectoral muscles on a fish!! with certain slobbering ones and other schizophrenic ones that should be hung by the tenderest parts for blaming everyone else!
Confession admits wrong and seeks forgiveness, Amnesty denies wrong and claims innocence, Washington READ THESE WORDS.
So, how long do we leave things in the toilet? until they start smelling or until the bowl changes color?
IF you think yourself as a patriot AND IF you love this country then get off your hind end and do your patriotic duty and VOTE these waste's of DNA out of office.
Some parting thoughts, voting for the lesser of two evils is not patriotic, voting for someone whom you have NOT researched is not patriotic(and researching does not mean asking your buddy who to vote for) and voting someone out of office who is not running in the race is not patriotic.
The definition of a patriot is one who loves their own country and is prepared to ultimately sacrifice in order to defend it. Right now this country is rotting and people are standing idly by looking at it, is that patriotism?
This country is being run by the three stooges, no the three stooges(the real three stooges) have more combined experience, however, this country is being run into the ground and people are just watching, again I ask, is this patriotic?
Washington is like a mind numbing soap opera, a bad one at that! but these clowns are messing with peoples lives, your lives, your countrymen's lives, your neighbors lives, once more is it patriotic to see them getting messed with?
Senators and Congressmen are elected by ummmm oh US! why? hmmm, to represent US, are they patriotic? a few maybe...... but (and there are many) the majority are as much use as pectoral muscles on a fish!! with certain slobbering ones and other schizophrenic ones that should be hung by the tenderest parts for blaming everyone else!
Confession admits wrong and seeks forgiveness, Amnesty denies wrong and claims innocence, Washington READ THESE WORDS.
So, how long do we leave things in the toilet? until they start smelling or until the bowl changes color?
IF you think yourself as a patriot AND IF you love this country then get off your hind end and do your patriotic duty and VOTE these waste's of DNA out of office.
Some parting thoughts, voting for the lesser of two evils is not patriotic, voting for someone whom you have NOT researched is not patriotic(and researching does not mean asking your buddy who to vote for) and voting someone out of office who is not running in the race is not patriotic.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Social Decline in America
Last year I wrote about the country we live in, and this is really an extension of that same blog, because the more I look at this the more disheartened I get, no not to the extent of suicidal tendencies, but I can relate to those who have.
The lack of moral absolutes in today’s morally and ethically declining society is so abundant that we just simply take it for granted, it is widely known that the media of late are extremely liberal with their reporting hence I am not watching anymore, however, the churches are not avoiding my crosshairs on this one either, so you have been warned in advance.
Here in Southwest Missouri we have a number of “larger” churches that in my opinion are nothing more than a feel good sausage machine, yes I said it, what I mean by this is ‘bring them on in, make them feel good by entertaining them for a short while and send them back out’ without any challenges of conviction whatsoever, basically the moral and spiritual conviction of sponge!!
Its about time more churches started really challenging people with their convictions instead of being more interested in more numbers than their neighboring church, So with this being said coupled with the media being completely abhorrent in their oh so wonderful reporting and manipulating the general public is it any wonder we have incompetents and out of touch people running the country now?
I do have respect for the office that is in charge now, I will state that for the record before any liberal waste of DNA tries to quote it ‘out of context’ but I cannot stand the man that is in there, my observation, he has done more damage in 98 days than Hitler and Stalin combined did in years!!
This one big asinine mistake America has made will be remembered for many a year, just unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. I love where I live and I hope you do, because if you do if you truly do then do something, like call your Congressman and/or Senator let them know you want to see some moral absolutes.
The lack of moral absolutes in today’s morally and ethically declining society is so abundant that we just simply take it for granted, it is widely known that the media of late are extremely liberal with their reporting hence I am not watching anymore, however, the churches are not avoiding my crosshairs on this one either, so you have been warned in advance.
Here in Southwest Missouri we have a number of “larger” churches that in my opinion are nothing more than a feel good sausage machine, yes I said it, what I mean by this is ‘bring them on in, make them feel good by entertaining them for a short while and send them back out’ without any challenges of conviction whatsoever, basically the moral and spiritual conviction of sponge!!
Its about time more churches started really challenging people with their convictions instead of being more interested in more numbers than their neighboring church, So with this being said coupled with the media being completely abhorrent in their oh so wonderful reporting and manipulating the general public is it any wonder we have incompetents and out of touch people running the country now?
I do have respect for the office that is in charge now, I will state that for the record before any liberal waste of DNA tries to quote it ‘out of context’ but I cannot stand the man that is in there, my observation, he has done more damage in 98 days than Hitler and Stalin combined did in years!!
This one big asinine mistake America has made will be remembered for many a year, just unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. I love where I live and I hope you do, because if you do if you truly do then do something, like call your Congressman and/or Senator let them know you want to see some moral absolutes.
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