I am shocked, stunned and not a little amazed that I actually received a response! and in the interests of fairness, yes I said fairness, as in hearing the other side even if you differ philosophically, perhaps more should be doing this but we digress, below is the letter of response from "Senator" Boxer.
Dear Mr. Martin:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent Senate hearing with Brigadier General Michael Walsh. I appreciate hearing from you on this matter.
Shortly after the hearing, I called General Walsh, and we had a friendly and productive conversation. We expressed our respect for one another and our determination to work together to protect our nation and communities from natural disasters.
Thank you again for writing to me. Please feel free to contact me in the future about this or any other issue of concern to you.
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
It still falls short of the apology or resignation that I feel should be carried out, and I will respond to this email
Holy Hillarity Batman !
I can't believe she responded either, that is a shock. Looks a bit like a possible form letter, that her office prob had to write to combat the HUGE flow of mail, but it's still a response from a lib.
Impressive, my friend, keep it up !
I was thinking the same as Stormy that I wonder if it's a form letter. Bet she heard from a bunch of angry people over that faux pas of hers.
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