Friday, June 12, 2009

Are you brainwashed, stupid or American?

Yes I am going to do something that I don’t like doing - I am going to stereotype DEAL WITH IT !

Do you sit there wide eyed like some kind of drone soaking in the diatribes of the "Mainly Stupid News Broadcasting Craziness" or perhaps the "Crap News Network" or even the "Always Broadcasting Crap" ‘NEWS’ stations? Do you even have tingles running up your leg?
If you are one of these people then I pity you and as the good book says to do, I will pray for you as could be in the two first categories.

The mainstream media is and has been absolutely, completely and totally abhorrent in its reporting and the result is the "Sheeple" that voted for the One Big Asinine Mistake America and no I will not use his name, I DO HAVE respect for the Office before any left wing extremist (oh sorry they don’t exist because we never hear about them) tries to twist it out context (like that would happen).

Now granted it is not just the “BIG TV” news outlets that are abhorrent in their reporting, the little fish are equally as bad at slanting the news.

This is not new!! The media have been doing this for so long now that it is just accepted by the sheeple (yes I said it again) let us take a look at the facts, of recent we have seen in the garbage media a doctor shot (a heinous crime I agree) and a guard shot at a museum (again a crime) but how many of you reading this know of the military recruiter shot and killed in Little Rock, Arkansas? Hmmmm, and umm how many know that he was killed by a Muslim? AND how many of you know that this Muslim was “converted” in an American prison? Yea none of you know this – WHY? Because the media are brushing this one under the carpet in order to further the left wing extremist (oops sorry forgot they don’t exist) agenda.

A prime example of the media running and hiding from things they don’t like is the recent exchange between Contessa Brewer and John Ziegler seen on one of those previously mentioned outlets.

Remember the hideous display by a so called reporter of a larger outlet at the Chicago “TEA party” in April of this year, personally I feel this so called reporter should be fired and all her work ceremoniously burned AND never employed in Journalism AGAIN!

Another example of the detestable media is in 2007 when parts of Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas suffered the worst ice storm in 70+ years where was the media AND the government handouts there? And how many of us sat on the roof saying “help us”? We just knuckled down as a community and got on with dealing with the situation, and I have to give huge credit to a Local Talk Radio Host for inciting that community spirit.

Realistically how often does the media report on those that lose their life in a tornado, (gee another example) but when there is a flood up the north east the media are all over it.

The main crux of this post is a hopefully not in vain attempt to wake the sheeple up out of their brainwashed hypnotized state of mind and hopefully when they wake up, they may want their country back…..

I am sure there is going to be some liberal numbnut (or no nut) that is going to attack me or this post - BRING IT! The facts speak for themselves

With all the new ‘digital’ technology now being used in TV, I wish there was a BS button (you know Bovine excrement) that viewers could press during heavy loads of Broadcasted Senselessness.....

this is only the start .............. there is alot more to come


Anonymous said...

When you are done praying for the sheeple, get some popcorn & soda and a good seat, then I'll kick the $h!t out of'em !

Chris said...

It's the state-run media. I'm not even happy with FoxNews anymore. It's amazing the power and influence they have over, like you say, the sheeple in this country. I can only hope (and I hate using that word) that it comes back to bite them on the azz.

FivePointPunk said...

You really should be more forthcoming in your thoughts. It's hard to tell what you're really trying to say! hahahaha...

This sounds like the rantings of a crazy Australian. Are you originally from Australia?

Seriously, though...nice job. I totally agree with you 100%, brother. Keep calling it like you see it!