Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6 2009

I was going to launch another attack on the media after sitting through a meal on Friday evening(July 3rd) in a location where there were a lot of TV screens (perhaps a mistake, but I like the food) for an hour and a half, unfortunately one of those screens was on the Clinton News Network, out of that 90 minutes at least 60 of which was about the accused child molester and baby hanger, was there no other news at this time? Like for instance a nation pointing missiles at us(and launched them Saturday), how about a tyrannical dictator killing his own people who are tired of his tyrannical actions or even the fact of a certain governor stepping down, but really what should we expect from the Contaminated No News channel, the one thing I did get from all that coverage "he is still dead!!!" but that is not where this entry is going ….

No initially I am going to talk gifts, when I first heard of Joe Biden as the Vice President my initial thought was that this long term incompetent, loose mouthed individual would be a total nightmare, however, he has turned out to be a great gift to conservatives everywhere because he is just foolish enough to say the actual none spun fact the most recent being “We Misread how bad the economy was”.
HOW BAD THE ECONOMY WAS??? Really that should be IS

So let us talk about the economy the current climate just goes to show that we have an inexperienced, naive narcissist (yeah go ahead call me a racist) in the White House. And NOW the economy can no longer be blamed on Bush, granted Bush was nowhere near a favorite of mine, not by a long shot, but the consistent blaming and finger pointing is worse than 5yr olds on the school playground, GROW UP and GROW A SET and get out of this mess that has been made worse by your actions, that is my message to the current One Big Asinine Mistake America’s Administration, AND it is being made worse by the following Bovine Excrement policies:-

Health Care needs to be changed, agreed, but Government run healthcare is a total disaster and cash cow that we the taxpayer are going to be on the hook for, and when I say on the hook it is beyond your comprehension just how bad that will be.

Cap N Trade would be a joke if it wasn’t so debilitating to the economy

Yes I am only picking two out of many, but these two alone have the capability of turning the United States into a third world country!!

Personally I don’t like to be socially engineered, I don’t like being told which doctor I can see or what drug I can get for whatever illness, next are they telling me what illness i can and cannot get? personally I don’t like being mandated on how I use energy, I am not wasteful with energy, I don’t use it wastefully, so that makes me an individual that conserves energy, and now in Missouri, thanks to our fabulous Governor (sarcasm alert) who wants to charge me and others for conserving energy!!!!! HELLO!!

Back to the economy, these 2 million “green jobs” that are going to be created, created at what cost, the cost of 5 million other jobs or more?? I believe we should be good stewards to our environment but let us be realistic and at this point the One Big Asinine Mistake America Administration is not being realistic and that has been shown in many actions and more importantly our elected officials are NOT ACTING IN OUR BEST INTERESTS!

Let me ask you this, is it in the best interest for us to be paying for jolly flights in Air Force One or paying for someone else's vacation? That’s great economic sense….(another sarcasm alert)


Anonymous said...

Excellent, and right on point !

Michael said...

One thing I hadn't thought about until reading this Paul, we hear a lot about other countries socialized health care and how terrible it is, but I don't think I have ever heard if other countries have implemented, or are considering, anything like Cap and Trade. I wonder if there are any other countries that have tried it, and if so, what the result was. I guess I'm off to research that....although it's hard enough to find an article or information critical of socialized medicine let alone one critical of Cap and Trade. Thanks for making me think!

K M Wilson said...

The EU has already been involved in Cap-n-Trade for a few years - unsuccessfully, or should I say, unprofitably. If the USA actually gets into this, as it unfortunately looks like we will, it will be all about money and nothing about the environment. Raising energy costs here is an integral part of increasing the profitability of Cap-n-Tax, er Trade ... once our energy costs are increased here, it will create a market for selling CO2 credits mostly overseas (since our industry here is at an all-time low) as well as superficially lower the cost of energy development here - it will take years before the market becomes saturated with CO2 credits, but it WILL happen, eventually - of course Al Gore and others will already have made their billions, which is what this is all about anyway, right? And energy costs MUST remain high here to create the best market for CnT to flourish - they have it all figured out, skyrocket energy costs to make money from CnT and invest in energy production to continue making money once the market becomes saturated with CnT.

The collateral damage that is being created in all this is a separate issue that keeps getting confused in all this mess - GREEN building. While it isn't popular among conservatives right now, I actually support GREEN building in NEW construction (I know, I can hear everyone yelling that I've sold out, but hear me out). Who doesn't want to pay ZERO dollars for their monthly energy costs especially at a time where costs will be skyrocketing because of cap-n-trade? An energy-efficient home/building COSTS LESS to run "monthly" than one that is not. As a realtor, I know how many people live paycheck to paycheck (especially in this economy). If they can save $200-$300+/mo on energy, that is better than any tax cut the middle class has had EVER because it is ongoing. If done when the building is originally constructed, the cost to make it energy efficient is far less than if it is done later as a retrofit. Unfortunately, people incorrectly connect GREEN building with Global Warming, because that is how the Dems are trying to package the sale of CnT, but that is an unfortunate mistake. :-(