With all of the events around the world of the last 3 days what is our oh so wonderful media concentrating on?
So instead of covering real news the American sheeple are subjected to mindnumbing coverage of an individual that had a monkey as a best friend, an individual with numerous accusations of child molestation and the same individual that thinks its OK the have young boys in his bed!
Is this part of the brainnumbing / brainwashing we have to go through in order to dumb down the American psyche, or perhaps even create the next psycho. It is hardly any wonder that the majority cannot even vote for an American President!
Think about what you are watching, not for me(I couldn't care less) but for your own sake and sanity, many people are watching this drivel (not just news either) yet it is against their core beliefs, yet they continue to sit and watch as they continue to get blinder and dumber to the truth..... Wake up people before life has passed you by.
What's really frustrating, is the news channel we thought we could trust, FOX NEWS is just as guilty.
I tried to watch Glenn Beck Friday night at 1:00 AM. Instead of the regularly scheduled airing of the Glenn Beck program; I got Shepard Smith still up at 1:00 AM hosting a LIVE tribute to Michael Jackson. Good Grief people... did we really need a round the clock "update" on all the mind numbed people "mourning" the death of Michael Jackson? On FOX no less????
Even more abhorring was when I heard Bill O'Reily say (on the air) that they "had to" cover MJ or it would "ruin their ratings" for the month ... Since when did "bragging rights" on ratings rate higher than the responsibility to inform/comment on "real" news for Americans - I have to say it has caused me to view FOX NEWS in a new light - this is exactly what happens to our newly elected officials once they get to Washington - power corrupts!
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