First of all most of you reading you do not understand, unless you have been face to face with terrorism or have carried out years of research you simply do not understand terrorism. Secondly the definition of terrorism can be many differing interpretations, the term "terrorism" comes from Latin terrere, "to frighten." and means for the most part premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, however please note the word ‘violence’ meaning "The act or an instance of violent action or behavior."
OK, no I am not about to start teaching you a bunch of word definitions, but I am going to open (at least hope to) your mind. Recently the American masses elected a president that is about as much use to the American people as breasts on a fish, I have made no secret of my dislike of the individual that currently holds that office, however, I did not like the previous one either, so before all the liberals start with their pathetic and infantile finger pointing they should sit down and shut up and read, they might actually learn something.
Back to terrorism, this can be in many forms, physical terrorism, like blowing things up and killing, cyber terrorism, like organised attacks on computer systems, and financial terrorism, likes of which you will not hear much of. I would also like to mention here, that all that I am about to say can AND SHOULD be researched.
The purpose of nearly all terrorism is to create fear to gain power, the question is power for who? Many people have said that the tragedy of 09-11-2001 was an inside job, I am not advocating that however, but, there is a lot of evidence to support such a theory. There is much evidence as to why UBL is still uncaptured, one reason is, although he may not be controlled, he can be incited to perform an act to create fear and gain power for those that “come and save”.
My views on the mainstream media are well documented and those sheeple that get their news only from the mainstream media don’t have the faintest idea what I am eluding to, although I would strongly recommend searching and researching the facts for yourselves, that is if you can tear yourself away from American Idol or Michael Jackson for long enough to do that research, I mean I would feel so bad if you lost this fine country because you had to see the end of American Idol!! TRANSLATED – get off your behind and find out what is really happening, DON’T take the mainstream media at face value, you WILL regret it, no I am not threatening any of you so you liberals sit your tails back down!
OK as I have consumed 480 words of your life by now so we’ll get to the bottom line, IF you truly value Freedom and Liberty and not just taken in by the pearly whites in the White House, then stand up and look for yourselves at what is really going on, not just what is going on at the surface, we can all point fingers and we can all blame (yes commenter called director I am thinking about your comment) but I implore you to look and search for the truth yourselves, don’t be influenced, manipulated and ultimately controlled by the system.
America was founded on a Constitution of power to the people and of freedom, please don’t let yourselves go down as controlled drones.
Thank you again for reading
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Excellent job, my friend, as usual. "Breats on a fish" I like that, you're getting a little more aggressive, I like that. It's what people need to hear.
And, your're right, it's not your job to threaten people, that's my job.
Great one !
You know, if "peacefully protesting," which is a constitutional right the last time I checked, is deemed "low level terrorism" by the current administration, (which it is in several things I've read recently), then how is it that the fear tactics used by this, and past, administrations to get their agendas passed is not also classified as Domestic Terrorism?! If it was a US citizen shredding the constitution by nationalizing our banks, printing money until the dollar is worthless, controlling which businesses succeed and fail, manipulating the House and Senate to "pass bills without reading them" in the middle of the night surely it would be considered by the administration to be domestic terrorism?? So why isn't it when THEY do it????
If the shredding of our constitution isn't violent to Americans, then what the heck is? The result of such destruction will SURELY bring about violence at some point. Unless they are planning on holding us all down and pouring the Obama KoolAid down our throats, which I feel like they are already attempting to do on an hourly basis, then sooner or later we WILL rise up in some manner. "We the people" WILL come for them!
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