Friday, June 13, 2008


Many of us have all seen the 1998 movie 'enemy of the state' where the government is chasing the "little guy", but really, what or who is an enemy of the state today?

As I see it right now we have two types of enemy of the state, foreign and domestic, our foreign enemies are pretty well documented, however, who is our biggest domestic enemy? It would appear to be certain members of our own government that have lost all contact with the people it is supposed to represent.

I have tried to avoid any further references to the oil prices, however, the "subcommittee" that voted against drilling off the US coastline should in my opinion be treated as enemies of the state. The question of "what were they thinking?" doesn't even begin to sum up my feelings and probably like many others, but yet the apathy of the people is quite astounding, we as the people should be bombarding these enemies of the state(namely the members of that subcommittee) with emails, faxes and even phone calls to find out why they are deliberately squashing the US economy OR pressing them to get this bill back into vote on an emergency basis and vote it past.

At the risk of plagiarism I feel its high time to vote out ALL the incumbents without exception so we can have fresh views in all the offices that are supposed to be representing the people and maybe regain some of that lost contact between the people and the OUR elected officials.

Without sounding defeatist or pessimistic the above is little more than a pipe dream, but yet with considerable help and buy in from many members of the public it could be a possible reality...... I can live in hope.

Monday, June 2, 2008

This Country we live in

How come we are becoming more and more de-sensitized about abhorrent behavior with supreme court judges with their own agendas creating legal precedents that are unconscionable to the moral and ethical individual, and why does it seem more prevalent in states like California and Massachusetts?

America is built on freedom or is it? What is freedom? defines freedom as " the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint " so is freedom a double edged sword that is now being swung at us rather than by us?

So how are viewing or treating this freedom? Freedom to abuse small children? Freedom to get into power positions with our own agenda? Or the freedom to let pathetic flashers off without any repercussions for exposing themselves to school children?

Although these are emotionally volatile subjects, they are but a small drop in the ocean when it comes to the disease that is eating America

The amendments and constitution were founded upon morals, ethics and sound values, all of which are being eroded by so many varying factors.

We all are constantly bombarded with or use the argument of "freedom of speech" our first amendment so why is then so many morally and ethically right and sound people are not standing up for what is right?