Be warned this will be offensive and there is no apology and I guess I will have to look for the helicopter afterwards.
The definition of a patriot is one who loves their own country and is prepared to ultimately sacrifice in order to defend it. Right now this country is rotting and people are standing idly by looking at it, is that patriotism?
This country is being run by the three stooges, no the three stooges(the real three stooges) have more combined experience, however, this country is being run into the ground and people are just watching, again I ask, is this patriotic?
Washington is like a mind numbing soap opera, a bad one at that! but these clowns are messing with peoples lives, your lives, your countrymen's lives, your neighbors lives, once more is it patriotic to see them getting messed with?
Senators and Congressmen are elected by ummmm oh US! why? hmmm, to represent US, are they patriotic? a few maybe...... but (and there are many) the majority are as much use as pectoral muscles on a fish!! with certain slobbering ones and other schizophrenic ones that should be hung by the tenderest parts for blaming everyone else!
Confession admits wrong and seeks forgiveness, Amnesty denies wrong and claims innocence, Washington READ THESE WORDS.
So, how long do we leave things in the toilet? until they start smelling or until the bowl changes color?
IF you think yourself as a patriot AND IF you love this country then get off your hind end and do your patriotic duty and VOTE these waste's of DNA out of office.
Some parting thoughts, voting for the lesser of two evils is not patriotic, voting for someone whom you have NOT researched is not patriotic(and researching does not mean asking your buddy who to vote for) and voting someone out of office who is not running in the race is not patriotic.
It seems to the Democrat party that patriotism is supporting them, no questions asked, while destroying any opposition. Yet Hillary had a much different opinion on patriotism when it came to disagreeing with Bush. Then, it was patriotic to disagree. A bit of 'do as I say, not as I do'.
True liberty comes from an educated public that understands the proper role of government, and that care enough about their neighbors, even their enemies to protect their liberty.
Until we have a people with public virtue, that elect virtuous leaders, there will be no change. So long as we want something for nothing, or want to live off the labors of others, we will never see improvement.
If the majority of the people are willing to be secret robbers of each other, then they will elect robbers, and are represented by people just like them.
Too many people look at politics like football, they support their team, not the Constitution.
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