"""Senator Boxer,
Your actions and attitude towards the Brigadier General Walsh are the epitome of your obnoxious, bombastic, arrogant and maliciousness that typifies the waste of DNA that you appear to be.
Yes you are a Senator, you indeed do have that title, Brigadier General Walsh also has a title that he too has worked for and he has worked a bloody site harder than you ever have in your entire miserable life!!
The Military of this country deserve a whole lot more respect, and your DISRESPECT is abhorrent beyond words, RESIGN YOUR SEAT IMMEDIATELY OR PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE TO EVERY MILITARY PERSON YOU DISRESPECTED IN THAT PATHETIC OUTBURST
As a Senator you are there to serve!! Read the constitution!!
Other than a Senator you are nothing more than a boil on the butt of humanity that continues to grow and fester!!
With your attitude and track record it is no wonder people are leaving California in droves and the tax burden gets worse because all the illegal’s that aren’t paying their way!!!
This letter will be published on my blog.
Regards(no respect)
Paul M
(former Military)"""
Enough Said
1 comment:
Paul, you are the man.
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